Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The European Union: Balancing the US?

Keeping in line with what we know of Balance of Power politics, do you think that the EU can one day grow as strong as to counter the US and establish a Balance of Power in the international system?


Unknown said...

The United States is a country made up of over fifty states, commonwealths, and territories. Very few individual countries can compete with the United States. Since the end of world war two, the formal empire has disappeared. Because of this, the individual countries of Europe found it difficult to compete with the enormity that is the United States. The European Union is a way for the states of Europe to balance the United States. This balance is primarily concerned with trade. Together the countries can compete with the United States politically, militarily, and in world trade. Since the United States as hegemony in the world realists believes there is a need for a balance of power. The closest attempt to balance the United States’ power is the European Union.

Kaitlin Keelan

Anonymous said...

The European Union is a nice way for the European nations to benefit one another economically as well as to spread their ideology to other nations such as Russia and Turkey. By this, I mean that the European Union has adopted some sort of belief system and wants others to accept it much like other religions. The formation of it does benefit them largely in terms of balancing the United States in terms of trade. It seems unlikely that its formation is meant to have any sort of military significance at least to challenging the United States. I say this, because I cannot think of one reason why it would ever be in the interest of Europe to ever have any type of conflict with the United States. In the United, there is a large public reluctance for war, but it is nothing compared to Europe. It would be political suicide and counter productive for Europe to ever seek to challenge America's hegemony.

-Dan Greenbaum

Anonymous said...

Many religions want to spread their belief system to others in the hope that they will adopt it as well. i believe the same goes for Europe as evidence by the fact that they won't let Turkey in the EU if Turkey continues to practice capital punishment.

I meant towards the end that it would be political suicide for politicians to choose to enter a war or any type of conflict with the USA.

--Dan Greenbaum

Anonymous said...

The European Union seems to be a "safety blanket" for European countries in that they now feel like together they can compete with the United States politically, militarily, and economically. Whether or not they actually can is another story but i feel that the European Union is a nice sense of security and strength for European people. They obviously have no reason to challenge the United States militarily but they definitly want to be able to change the US in the forum of global trade. I don't feel however that this Union poses any sort of threat to the United States. We are used to people and coutries in other spheres of the world stepping up to challenge us but in most cases it's in a much more dangerous and threatening manner.

-Ryan Adam-

Anonymous said...

I feel that the EU will absolutely grow to eventually counter the US and establish a balance of power in the international system. If you think about it, American society is made up of people from practically every European country and has evolved over the past 500 years. Who’s to say that same kind of evolution won’t happen with the European Union? The EU thus far has common trade policies, common currency (among 13 member states) and basically guarantee the freedom of movement of people, good, services, and capital between its member states. The expansion of the EU is aiding democracy in new members and is supporting the European economy as a whole. The EU is without a doubt a growing power in the international playing field.

Alison Burke

Anonymous said...

The idea of a European Union is a good idea as it benefits all the European countries economically through trade. They will over time become closer and closer to the United States when discussing trade, but they won't be able to compete with them under the sectors of politics and military. The Union wouldn't be able to pose a threat to the United States at all and it would only be a negative if a European Union ever sought to challenge America's hegemony on the world stage.

-Eric Goodman

Andrew Deinert said...

The European Union does not balance the United States. Our definition of "balancing" is a call to arms, or building of forces to respond to, and "balance out" a threatening force. Although the United States is threatening militarily and has shown its power in the recent years, it does not directly threaten the countries of Europe. The European Union could, however, easily be balancing us in trade and in policy. The United States' economy threatens the countries of Europe with competition in other parts of the world, and can use methods like taxation and embargoes to go against problems our country is having with a European country. The European Union also balances out our political world power by joining together all of the powers of the European countries.

Andrew Deinert

Unknown said...

I feel as though the European union will certainly one day balance the U.S. As of right now the combination of the European Union and the united states represent only 10% of the worlds population yet the combination of the two controlls more than 60% of the worlds GDP. Wheter or not the EU can truly compete with the U.S depend on how willing the countries that compose the EU are to give up a little of the cultural pride and mesh as one to achive common intrests.

An example of their willingness is the use of the new form of currency the "euro". Before this nearly every country in europe dealt in different forms of currency. This created greatdifficulties in trade and exchange rates amoung the nations. Seeing this problem 12 total nations thus far all moved to the creation of one unified currency otherwise known as the euro. If we see cooperation in this form of econmics amoung European Nation who is to say that in the future we wont see similar common intrest areas such as security policies and defense policies. An if cooperaion such as this takes place it will certainly balance the U.S. on a global scale.

-Dan Shainker

Anonymous said...

With all its recent efforts to unify, it seems that the European Union could one day grow as strong as the US. The potential is definitely there, but I'm not sure it will ever become a reality, because of the diversity in the EU. The US is a union of states, but there is a sense of nationalism throughout the territory, and there have not been any serious internal (region v. region) conflicts in at least the last 100 years. But the EU is a collection of separate countries, with different political systems, languages, and laws. I'm not sure that they could ever unify enough to create a true Balance of Power against us in the international system. We have more leverage in that we could greatly cripple the EU's cause by boycotting a specific country or stirring up conflict between the countries, which could break down their central organization, while their boycotting one of our states would not make much of a difference. I think the US's identification as a single unified nation ultimately makes us the stronger union.

--Katie Head

Anonymous said...

I feel the The European union could eventually become a threat to the united states, yet not any time soon. And to be completely honest i do think that Europe has the potential to grow as strong as the united states. They have twenty six member states and are growing in power as we speak. They already have established common currency which is worth more than the US dollar. They have trade policies, fishing policies, freedom of movement of people and services through out their states. Lets just put it this way i feel they would be a good competition to the U.S. Because we are only one and they have twenty six different parts coming together in agreement.
Kristin Iorii

Anonymous said...

I don't know that the EU will ever truly balance the U.S. in all areas. I say this because the people of Europe most likely do not associate themselves with the "EU", rather they associate themselves with their actual country of residence. I do not think that there is a universal feeling of obligation to the EU among the residents of Europe. To the contrary, American citizens possess a much deeper sense of obligation and commitment to the United States, rather than say Delaware for instance. I think that this uniformity alone among Americans, gives us greater power than the EU. The United States also spends considerably more on weapons and defense than the entire EU. I think that these two factors are very important in sustaining the power gap.

-Mike Werch

Anonymous said...

I think that the European Union could one day grow as strong as the United States. Despite the differences within the group such as a different language spoken and different laws, the countries which comprise the European Union have shown they have come together. The clearest example is its common trade policy as well as the transition to using the euro as currency. I feel that this definitely shows an effort from the twenty-seven member states to unify. However, there is no doubt that the European Union lacks the sense of nationalism that the United States has. The United State’s sense of nationalism is definitely stronger. For right now, Europe is not a threat for the United States. Perhaps if the European Union develops a stronger sense of nationalism in the future it will balance the United States in the international system.

-Erin Donahue

Anonymous said...

In response to Erin's comment on the amount of nationalism in the United States, she has a good point. The European Union is a collection of twenty-seven different nation states, unlike the US which IS fifty states. In general, most people from the Iowa would say, "Oh, well I'm from the US," and someone from Poland would say, "I'm from Poland, not from the European Union."

So nationalistic-wise the EU will find it difficult to compete with the United States.

The EU is a developing idea, while the US is a functioning country. While members of the EU might be attempting to balance the US, the EU is more about the unifying of Europe and not the balancing of the US.

Eventually, if the EU can become cooperative enough, they may be able to balance the United States, but the EU is not ONE international society, instead it is a large collection of separate international societies. To be a major player in IR, I think that being able to classify yourselves as ONE international society is an important idea. It is a uniting factor that strengthens any authority.

Megan Pettingill

Anonymous said...

I believe that the European Union will one day be able to challenge the United States. This is because Europe as a whole is just about as powerful as the United States. They are a bunch of powerful states put together and they make up the European Union. Countries like France, Italy, Germany, and Great Britain are already somewhat powerful although by themselves they are not nearly as powerful as the United States. Although, I believe that if they can work together to form a succesful European Union, they will be just about as powerful militarily, politically, and economically as the United States. They just need to learn to share all of their power and not fight over it. If they do not do this I believe they will be successful.

Robert O'Reilly

Anonymous said...

It is my belief that the European Union will continue to grow in political and economic power. However, I highly doubt that this incarnation of European unity, based as it is upon (fairly) liberal democracy, would never seek to balance the United States, at least not in opposition. Rather, I think that the European Union will act as an important aide to the United States in the coming years when the real challenges to US hegemony arise: Red China and India. I see five major players on the horizon regarding balance of power: the United States, the European Union, the CIS, China, and India. I feel that the Union will retain close ties with the US, for ideological, economic, and historical reasons. I do not see them it as a balancing factor to the United States.

- Luke Kaczmarek

Anonymous said...

When I think of the EU my first thought goes right to their flag because the Belgium embassy is on the corner of my street in DC and on its flagpole flies both the Belgium flag as well as the EU flag. I first leaned about the EU when I visited their headquarters in Brussels in 2004. The main issue at hand in which we were briefed on was Turkey as a candidate country. Since then I have been interested in the growth and strength of the EU. In economic terms, trade negotiations are a great example of the power the EU has on the world stage. However, in diplomatic and political terms the EU has a long way to go before they can speak with one voice on major world issues. Currently I do not see the EU as a balancing factor to the US however, with future growth in both economic and political power a balance of power may arise.

Francesca Carregal

Anna Post said...

Since the US and the EU are linked together by an international society and rely on one another for trade, support, and many other things, I definitely believe the EU has an abundance of power within international politics. Can it ever grow as strong as the US? Or enough so to balance the US's power within the international system? I doubt it simply because even as the EU progresses and expands, so does the US. Immigrants are constantly pouring into the US from many European countries, and bringing with them trade and the possibility for advances in all fields. This is not to say that people don't enter Europe or leave the US, and I do agree with those who have said that the EU is the closest thing to a Balance of Power to the US, but I am reluctant to believe that the EU will ever be able to fully counter the position of the US.

-Anna Post

Anonymous said...

I agree with most and say that the EU will eventually balance the U.S. As of now it is hard to determine if they have that authority right now because they are still "growing" in a sense but in the near future it is a definite possibility. But maybe they won’t. On the other hand, the question I do pose is will there ever be unrest between the states in the EU? The reason I say this is that they can potentially balance the US at the rate they are going, but will they stay aligned as one? Europe in history is constantly changing and maybe a little unrest may cause a stir in the EU. The US has already had a civil war and the possibility of another one is highly unlikely but to think the EU is not even as much of a unified front like the US. They all identify as their own country, not as the European United. This may be easier to collapse. The issue of Turkey is a good example because Britain and its EU partners are divided on the issue. Some want to leave the door open to Turkey because of geopolitical reasons, where France and Germany see an influx of cheap labor and the serious problems of integrating a poor and predominantly Muslim country. I am not saying this will trigger or cause a divide in the EU but what I am trying to say is that if something like this causes a tiny rift than maybe there is potential to break the EU in the future. This is all just speculation but if you evaluate the EU’s reliability maybe they may not be able to balance the US now or in the near future not because of military or economic issues but because of unity issues.

- James Squillante

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I agree with the general consensus that the European Union is not balancing the US. Rather, I believe that the European Union is more concerned with fighting terroism. Not only were they affected by September 11th, but they also suffered the London and Madrid terrosit bombings. I believe that balancing in terms of the European Union is focused on balancing their security and protection of their people. Right now, their primary focus isn't a fierce competition with the United States. When it comes to terroism, the countries affected are focused on banding together rather than tearing eachother down.

-Heather Starner

Anonymous said...

I think that one day, the EU could be strong enough and powerful enough to balance the United States. However, I think that this amount of growth will take lots of time and committment to the collective European Union from the citizens of the countries in it, not just nationalism to their own country. I'm worried, though, that if the EU were to one day be as powerful as a whole as the U.S. it would mean an intense blending of cultures and loss of the individual identities of the countries in the union. In our country, we do not necessarily feel huge amounts of pride for our respective states, but for the country as a whole. It's hard for me to imagine all of the countries in the EU pushing their own cultural identities aside and having pride in the EU above their own states. I agree with Heather in the above comment, that right now the European Union is more focused on security and preventing terrorism in it's countries, and that expansion and gaining power to balance the United States might not be a priority, at least not yet.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the European can eventually grow to equal power of the U.S. In its relatively short existence nations have began to sacrifice sovereignty little by little. Eventually, I don't think it is inconceivable that that will unite and grow like the U.S. did shortly after its independence. Granted they have much more individuality than did the 13 colonies, but if the trend continues why not? However, I don't necessarily see this as competition and a balance to the U.S. Rather, I see this as a potential for greater economic growth and prosperity through more cooperation and peaceful relationships, that does not necessarily have to stop in Europe.

Brian Del Guercio

Anonymous said...

“The EU may be many things, but it is assuredly not One Nation, nor ever will be. If we went out into the streets of Washington and asked the first hundred Americans we met to characterize their nationality, I guess at least 99 would say ‘First and foremost, I am an American’. Very few people in the EU would say ‘First and foremost I am a European’"

Hemler, Roger. Federalism in the USA and the EU. The Bruges Group (2 February 2004)

I found this quote online and it makes a lot of sense to me. Although the EU is a strong organization, citizens of the “member-states” of the EU still put their own country first, which they should. This gives the US a leg up because US citizens consider themselves an American. The EU is growing stronger but I’m not sure if it will surpass the power of the United States. It’s possible that it will be equal in power, but the US is one nation while the EU consists of many that all must partake in the decision-making. It is, however, difficult to say because the EU is connected with the use of the Euro for currency, a single motto, and basically a single government that unites all the member-states.

-Katie Dunn

Anonymous said...

I absolutely think the EU could one day be strong enough to counter the U.S. The EU I believe started as a trade deal among a few european states and has become what it is today with many more members and it oversees much more beyond trade even venturing into a unified foreign policy.

While right now there seems to be resistance in Europe to the EU becoming a European super state it has been heading in that direction and my personal belief is that it will continue to do so.

A lot has been said about the tendency of Europeans to consider themselves Italians or French rather than Europeans but a parallel to that is that even after having fought the American Revolution citizens of the new U.S. under the Articles of Confederation still referred to themselves as Virginians and Pennsylvanians.

It is not something that will happen overnight but I do believe further European integration will occur and that the EU someday could be as strong or stronger than the U.S.

Charles (C.J.) Augustine

Anonymous said...

I believe that the European Union can truly balance the power in world politics one day by rivaling the United States. I base this prediction on the fact that individually the nations comprising the European Union are for the most part wealthy, strong nations. If united in such a way that each nation gives up some sovereignty in order to act in ways that are favorable to the group then surely the United States can be balanced. Especially as the Union obtains more members who will contribute to the group as a whole it will only get stronger. Besides the United States, no other group in the world has enough influence in international politics than the EU(excluding the UN which the U.S. is a member of). Fragmented, these countries once rivaled each other with their own respectable empires. Since the imperial days are over, if these nations want to be the world powers they once were then they are making steps in the right direction by combining forces that is the EU.

Jordan Naftzinger

Anonymous said...

The Integration of Europe may lead to a stronger European Union. But, the E.U. will not balance the power of the United States in the international system. A balance of power is used to check a perceived threat. And The U.S. is not a threat to Europe. Americans and Europeans are allies and hold the same commitments of democracy, human rights and free trade. The U.S. and Europe are members of NATO and have vowed to defend each other in the event of an attack.

If there is to be a balance of United States power in the International System, it is much more likely that it will come from Russia or China, not Europe. These two countries are not closely aligned with the U.S. It is very possible that these nations, not being NATO members could feel threatened by American military superiority.

Britt Chalmers

Anonymous said...

I believe that the European Union could become the next great world power. The EU with its continued growth in areas such as economics, military and politically power is already starting to balance the United States. The ideas and philosophies that are building and running the EU are ingenious in the EU gaining enough power to balance the United States. In EU has implemented a uniform currency system called the EURO. Before this each country had its own separate type of currency and now that they have formed a one currency system the power for their dollar has increased to rival even exceed the American dollar in value. With all the countries coming together their military power has also increased greatly. Before each country would have its own individual military how with combined power of all military together it has increased into a major military power with mutual backing from all countries in the EU. It would be in the interest of the EU to expand to the point that they are some day able to balance power with the United States of America.

Drew Majerick

Anonymous said...

I believe the formation of the Eurpean Union and their attempt to "balance" the US is not as serious as it may seem. The European Union is not attempting to balance the United States out of fear of US military superiority or economic wealth but rather to make Europeans feel as if they too are at the top of the global ranks. I do not think that Europe is necessarily threatened by the United States but would like to be recognized by the world as a gobal power that is somewhat comparable to the US. No European country alone can balance the United States which calls for the creation of the EU with hopes that a group of Europe's strongest states can together equal, or come close to equaling the US.

-Brittany Monteiro-

Anonymous said...

I think the European Union is a way for Europe to try to balance power with the United States. The United States is often looked at as the “world police,” and has very powerful in politics, especially after World War II. The EU was created after WWII to try to be an escape route for extreme forms of nationalists. It also acts as a single market which ensures the freedom of the movement of people, goods, and service between its members. This way, trading with the United States can be guaranteed and the power can strive to be somewhat balanced. However, I do not think the EU will ever gain enough power to compete against the United States. I think America is too strong of a country for another country to counter balance. Another difference between the United States and the countries in Europe is that we have fifty separate states that are each very strong alone. With these fifty states, the power is strengthened, which makes is even more difficult for an opposing country to counter balance us. I think the EU is a good idea to ensure that there is a balance of power and there are rules that will allow for good relations between the United States and other countries. I don’t think it is the most important issue to try to counter balance the United States, I think it is more important to try to create an international society and have good relations between the various countries.
-Katy Johnson

Ashley Hayward said...

It seems to me that the EU is, as has been said already, an attempt at getting some of the hegemony that the US enjoys in the international society. I think that it is plausible that the EU could at some point become large enough and stable enough to be more of a balance to the US, but I wouldn't put it as happening anytime soon. A lot of people have said that the US is 50 states that are strong and stable on their own, which is true, but if you think about the EU, that's about half as many independent countries, and it's not impossible that more of the European countries would join in the future, if the EU continues with its economic and other advancements. It's human nature to try to get in on something that's going well... so why not the EU if it is doing a lot of good things for its member countries?

Anonymous said...

I don't think there is anything wrong iwth EU trying to balance itself with the US. This idea seems fair. The United States has an advantage over every other country in its unity in military matters, politics and world economics. I agree that the EU is the closest balance to the States power in these matters. Also it is a good way for the European nations to benefit from each other in all these areas, especially economically. Although there is the "danger" that the EU could become a threat I do not think we have to concern ourselves with that because I do not believe it is a safety problem for the US and I also do not believe that this is the intention of the EU.

-Kimberly Renner

Anonymous said...

I feel as though currently the EU is balancing fellow European and Asian countries where a more accurate balance for the US is China. If the EU allows more members and have the Euro spread to England, it will pose as a better balance between nations, and could overtake the US as a world power. Although, this could potentially create a United States of Europe, which many countries in Europe are afraid of for a variety of reasons.

Europe has access to capital, military, and trade routes that are continent specific and could easily challenge the US, however, it first needs to unite within the EU by allowing more members to flow from country to country seeking new jobs, which is a major problem in the EU. As stated in class, democracies do not fight democracies and that should prevent issues coming up in the future, unless another fascist dictator rises to power. For this argument, only time will tell if the EU will gain increasing strength to challenge the US and China, although it is quite likely given the amount of technologically advanced, democratic nations in the EU.

Michael Molaski

Anonymous said...

A balance of power as I understand it is more of a military term to balance out a potential threat, but I think that it is feasible that the EU may one day balance the power of the United States in other fields such as trade and just overall influence. The United States in my opinion is weakening. The value of the dollar in this country is at its lowest point in history. The Euro, (the currency shared by the members of the EU) has nearly two times the worth of the American dollar. The European Union is a great global commercial force, because it has so many different places/countries to obtain resources. I am not sure if the EU will ever rival the United States militarily speaking, but other than that the European Union is looking pretty strong.

Unknown said...

I don't think that Balance of Power politics are very relevant to the European Union's relationship with the United States. The EU is an emergent power comparable to some extent to that of the US, especially politically and economically, but not militarily. The EU continues to depend—for its ultimate security—upon the US. Otherwise, it wouldn't enjoy the same prosperity that it does if it had to develop its own sufficient military strength. The great complicating factor is not so much the US as it is the enemies of the US. No one expects the EU to ally itself with, say, China, in opposition to the US. This would be historically inconceivable. So, while the balance of power once was a European idea, it is now in play on a global scale with Europe as a whole now functioning like an individual nation did earlier in European history. The Great Powers are now greater than ever.

Gordon Lippincott

Anonymous said...

I believe that the European Union can definately grow as strong as to counter the US and establish a Balance of Power in the international system. The EU is already much stronger then the American dollar. A trend has emerged of distrust of the American government with its international policies and actions both outside and inside of the US. If the EU is able to maintain a steady progression of effective economic build-up they will ultimately have the funds to develop some sort of military force. Once they are able to develop this force, they will no longer need to rely on the US to protect them. When the USs military help becomes unneccessary, a new Balance of Power will emerge.

Kevin Moreno

Anonymous said...

I believe that the EU will definitely be able to balance out the United States. As stated above, the American dollar is faltering; the euro is worth more. And the anti-American government sentiment is definitely spreading. The EU is like the U.S. in that like the U.S. it unites. Look how many countries have joined the EU. The European Union will be able to balance the U.S. in such areas as trade but I feel as though it will not balance militarily. The EU is more economic and will easily balance the United States in this area since we have been faltering and withering away economically.

-Matthew Atkinson

Anonymous said...

The European Union (EU), is not Europe's collective attempt to balance the United States. Rather, it developed in good will to benefit all citizens of europe. The EU has stimulated vast amounts of international commerce and travel. By virtually dissolving borders and giving up a bit of their individual sovereignties, Europe has immersed itself in lucrative interaction. Perhaps this explains the high value of the Euro. If anything, the EU could someday give the U.S. healthy competition, creating a renewed sense of determination, causing the U.S. to increase productivity.

John Dalo

Anonymous said...

I do believe that the EU can grow one day as strong as the U.S. and establish a Balance of Power in the International System. If you compare the EU to the US, both have many similarities and although the EU has been able to reach the height of the US, who is to say one day they won't be able to. Things like the European currency can be compariable to the US dollar were it is worth more but on the opposite end, the EU has not been able to over power the US in firearms and the ability to use them. But if there is anyone who will come the closest to being as strong as the US with establishing a Balance of Power in International System it would be the European Union.

-Kelley Thompson

Anonymous said...

I do not know whether or not the European Union will ever be strong enough to balance the United States, but I do think that that is one of the main objectives in its policies. The institution of a common currency throughout much of Europe, is just one example; by establishing this link among the countries of Europe (in trying to build a stonger, more unified currency, and therefore Europe) the European Union itself becomes stronger, becoming the only organization/institution (presently) with the resources and capability of balancing the U.S. within the foreseeable future. American hegemony is too deeply entrenched (I believe) for the international community to consider any one state as capable of balancing it - at this stage. This is not to say that in the future any one state could not - it's just that evidence does not seem to support that conclusion in the present system. So if there were any likelihood of balancing the U.S., it would probably come from the European Union.

~Faith Woodworth

Anonymous said...

I think that there is no doubt that the European Union can compete with the United States. The European countries now are being together and they can compete with the United States militarily, economically, and politically. The United States seems to be have hegemony around the world. I think that someday the Europe Union can grow up and become strong enough as to counter the United States. Ofcourse, they will not challenge the United States militarily but they will definitly want to be able to challenge the US in global trade. However, it will take a long time for the European Union to balance the power in the international system, it would be risky and dangerous.

-Kim, Hyo Suk-

Anonymous said...

My thought on this matter is that i do not see a reason why Europe or the EU would have a conflict with the United States. For reason based on previous history. The U.S has never invaded Europe and we are Allies with most of the Countries if not all the Countries in Europe. The only thing that i feel is balanced in this is the trading between United States and the EU, because rather than single nation states the U.S is trading with a group of states. That is the only thing that balances the United States i feel.

Andrew Unthank

Anonymous said...

I believe that the European Union has very real potential to one day be as strong as the US and be able to balance the power of our nation. Currently the the US and the EU are the two strongest powers within international trade. Also, taking size into consideration none of the European countries would be capable of threatening the US by themselves, but as soon as you combine all of them and their power a real threat is created. If you combined the military force of all the nations that form the EU, there would be quite a bit of military strength and power behind it. Currently the US is stronger, but if the EU continues to strengthen itself I see no reason why the EU couldn't be as strong as the United States and balance out its influence in the world today.

-- bethany kravitz

Matt Swank said...

The European Union is a very strong political power that will challenge the United States for power. One of the greatest improvements that the European Union brought about was their new found Economic power. The United states has a great budget as well, but does Europe one better in the power struggle because it has a large military. The EU is great for Europe for uniting a group of countries and allowing the movement of goods within each state easier, however the United States will stay the most influential power in the world for some time. That is until China fully blossoms.

-Matt Swank

Anonymous said...

I believe that it is harder for the EU to build a strong enough system to someday challenge the US because the EU is made up of many individual gov't and they do not all confine on one another, their loyalty is not completely there. Every single one of the countries within the EU are in it for their own benefits. Because of the lack of loyalty and trust it will be very hard for them to challenge the US or even build a strong union. The US on the other hand is one large govern nation and there is one leader, this makes it easier to maintain balance of power and to have loyalty and a strong country when they are being threatened.

Anonymous said...

While many see the aging economies of Europe as weak, this is far from the truth. Individually, the economies in Europe are still very strong. If the EU was considered a country, its annual GDP would be slightly more then the United States. While none of the countries in the EU could balance the US alone, by combining together they do in fact have the oppertunity to balance the United States. The European Union is acting more like a state every single day. The EU has its own court, its own presidency and even its own currency. However, each state in the EU is a hinderence to its progress. The states have too much power, just like the thirteen colonies did under the articles of confederation. The EU should be able to tax its citizens, and have a real central government. Once this happens, the EU will be able to better balance the US. On the other hand, the US and EU are allies, and are not really attempting to balance each other. The US and EU however will be able to work together to balance a newly arising china on the global scene.

-Ryan Davenport

Anonymous said...

I can only hope than one day the EU gains enough power to match the United States. I believe for too long we have acted Big Brother. We focus continually on foreign aid and policy, that we forget many of our domestic concerns. I'm sure we can all agree that the billions of dollars spent on the war would have been better used within our own borders. But that is a topic for another day. I say this to make the point that if the EU were to gain substantial power in the international system, the U.S. might be able to finally take a backseat to international affairs.

Being that the countries making up the EU are geographically contiguous to one another, like the U.S., the EU will have a relatively easy time gaining power. And if we look at many of those countries now, a few of them are already major players in the international system. Combining those will only create a agency that will be able to compete with and balance the power of the U.S.

Tanner Herpst

Anonymous said...

I believe that the European Union is already gaining a lot of power and recognition in the international arena. Currently both the Euro and the British Pound are more valuable than the dollar, and they continue to increase while the dollar is still decreasing. This loss of economic prowess (even though we still have the largest economy in the world) and confidence in the U.S. markets will continue eat at our position as the top player in international activities. The EU already has some of the major players in the economic community, and as some of the other countries continue to develop and grow, they too will provide an even larger economic and powerful base for the EU to continue to grow upon.

-Ryan Pierce

Anonymous said...

Because the European Union continues to admit countries and therefore grow in size and economic strength it is indeed probable it will one day balance the U.S. With new countries comes new resources and more goods to trade in the global market. Since the United States is not ever expanding in this same manner it could present formidable competition for the U.S. Also the United States exports fewer and fewer goods each year restricting them to a dependence on imports.

Ryan Shaw

Anonymous said...

The European Union's first step was just getting together and creating this union, which is hard enough. To create a "world power" takes years, if not decades. It will not happen overnight. The super power over there, England, is not currently in the EU which is a huge miss for the Union. England would bring the much needed "loud voice" the EU does need. However, I believe they won't become stronger than the U.S., merely considered more of an equal.

--Kristian Quiroz--

Anonymous said...

I do not believe that the European Union can compete with the United States economically. The clearest flaw with the EU, is that it is comprised of a group of nations from the same geographical area. They each have individual governments, cultures, and financial problems. While creating an all-encompassing economic union with other similar countries may better trade and commerce between the allied nations, it does not automatically put the EU on the same playing field as the world's strongest economy, the US. The United States has one culture, one government, and only one economy to worry about (whereas the EU must keep in mind 27 individual, smaller economies). The US also has great trade relations with all of the members of the EU, while not being burdened by becoming a member. The United States only has to worry about itself, whereas on nation in the EU must help and support 26 other economies within foreign countries.

-Gabe DiPietro

Tommy Luginbill said...

The United States has dominated the world in terms of Military and Economical strength since the end of World War Two. At it's beginning the United States drew a great resemblence to the newly emmerging European Union. The strengths of the United States grew from the vast resources contained within each of it's original sovereign states. The economical strength and the ability to mobolize the large population amung the each state gave the U.S. the power and resources necessary to become a world power. The EU has the potential to have the same historical results of the US and thus compete with the US on an international basis.

Tommy Luginbill

Anonymous said...

I do not believe that the United States has to worry about the European Union balancing them out in power because that is not the purpose of the EU. Europe has united to organize their diplomacy and make it easier to negotiate globally. By coming together, they are a larger power, and do indeed equal out America. As for them intervening in American fairs because they are powerful enough to do so is very unlikely. The larger the EU, the better an ally they will be to the US.

---Kris-Ann Panzella

Anonymous said...

i have been reading some of the other blogs for this topic and there is a lot of arrogance in terms of believing that no one should or could beat the US the hell up in a war. * Reminder (The Northern half of the little ass country of Vietnam which is the size of my pinky nail beat the snot out us.) China could beat the shit out of us to. They outnumber us in people by an extraordinary amount, and also in terms of military technology, or just technology in general. False? I think not, China is a sleeping dragon that is at bay now yes, but people in class are going off about how we are a nation of over 50 states, territories, blah blah, and that getting in a war with the US is politICAL SUICIDE....FIRST OF ALL any war with anyone is political suicide, why is it just political suicide when someone is fighting us. In all honesty i think sometimes that the US does need to get bitch slapped every now and then and be showed that we don't run the world, and if we did, trust me, someone out there can take us. Do you think the UN is a way for other inferior countries to team up on the mighty US? what makes the US mighty? its size? Russia and China are bigger. Is Brazil? So clearly our size isnt what makes us immortal, nor does our money (our currency is nto even the strongest in the world. it is 3rd behind the Euro, and Pound. So we are not the wealthiest nation in the world. And remember, in the UN its one country-one seat. its not like the us is so powerful that they have 4 chairs to smaller countries one or two, and ganging up is the way to balance the US power. But to a certain extent, yes the EU is saying look yo, your not the strongest hen in the coup, and to an extent with the Euro and a Union of nations does keep the US in its place. I dont know, maybe i just dont know how to write what i am trying to say.
-Ryan Harrison

Anonymous said...

This is an interesting idea that the European Union could be concieved as a potential balance to the United States. When viewed through the eyes of a realist it is a definite possibility. The amassed powers of the EU could rival the United States, espicially through the use of economic power. If the European Union was to unite against the US and cut off all trade the US would fall. Also the amassed powers of the EU are strong enough to combat even the US military strength. It becomes a question of unity though as to whether or not this is realistic. The US's power resides in the fact that it is a huge land power as well as united area. The EU would never be able to swing all voting nations to turn upon the United States. So in a senario I do believe that the EU could potentially balance the US's power. But I do not believe that they will ever actually stand against the US. The repurcusions of eliminating the US from trade and global politics would cause a negative chain effect. This could not be easily balanced by even an united EU.

~Kevin Wright

Anonymous said...

I strongly agree that the Eu could one day at least make the U.S pay attenion to it. When you go back in history every single world power that came to power eventually lost it one way or another. You can't say with %100 certainty that the U.S. will always be the strongest out there. Take China for example who knows in 100 years they could be to the world what the U.S. is today.

Anonymous said...

i feel as though the EU will never have the type of power the United States has simply because of the solidarity the US has. With the exception of the original 13 colonies, each state has come into existence as a member of the United States and their culture and history reflects that. The EU, however, contains countries that have heritages spanning back over 1500 years. Along with this, the world wars were both started and fought mostly in Europe. This, more than anything, should be an indicator that the EU does not have the power to maintain solidarity over the long-term.

Mack Shane

Anonymous said...

I don't believe that the European Union will ever counter the U.S or estabish a balance of power in the international system. Americans and they British have an extremely close and mutually beneficial relationship. It would be too detrimental for Britain to be part of any society that want to check the power of the U.S Furthermore, Europe is too divided on numerous topics to come together as an entity and try to balance the U.S in power. It's not the EU's job to try and balance the U.S. If anything, U.S should be worried about China trying to balance the power economically. EU does not pose a threat to the US ans will never rival the U.S in power.
Roopa Sabesan

Anonymous said...

The European Union is beneficial to all the countries involved from a trade and economic standpoint. Take the Euro for example; it has helped all European countries get a grip on the global economy. Although they both equal each other out in terms of balance of power, The United States isn’t really interested in competing with the European Union in terms of challenging the sovereignty of any of those countries and it would be an economic disaster for either America or European union to start any kind of confrontation with each other.

-John Georges

Anonymous said...

The EU is making the edge towards balancing the US economically sheerly in its currency alone. They have lifted many customs checks and tariffs between the countries of the EU which allow for goods to flow quickly through out the region much as the US does with its states. There are quite a few powerful countries in the EU that will help to push them above the US in the years to come on a economical scale. It is mostly a economic union and I have seen very little organization of armed forces between the two which leaves the US only check by China in that category. Politically they will also pass the US because money runs politics more so then military in this day in age. Unless the individual countries dissolve to from one much as the the states of the US formed, they will not surpass the US militarily. Since it is very complicated to run a military effectively with many different commanders and techniques.

-Ryan Wallace

Anonymous said...

The European Union is most certainly a way for the nations of Europe to balance the United States. The United States is the world's greatest power and Europe wants just as much of a say in world affairs as the US. By creating the EU, these states are pushing their way into major world events and letting the world know that it too, is powerful. With the current value of the dollar in comparison to the euro, there is some definite progress being made by the EU to balance the United States.

Though the balancing of one state by another can often lead to problems, the EU balancing of the United States is not too much of a concern. Both the United States and the European Union share many goals involving economy, trade, and even politics. Though the United States would probably prefer to have no competition, the EU is much more welcome competition than a state such as China, whose aims are different from those of the US.

--Jessica Jackman

Anonymous said...

The U.S has become such a powerful entity not only politically, but also militarily and economically that it only seems fair for European nations to creat The European Union in a way to protect themselves if a conflict or a state of war does arise with the U.S. Though the probability that Europe would enter into a war with the U.S. is highly unlikely. They are all so dependent on eachother economically that it wouldn't make sense to engage into any type of conflict with eachother.

-Amanda McDonnell

John Nathan Colicchio said...

The United States is a massive country that occupies a giant geographical area in the world. It has balanced powers in the past, such as in Iraq, and quite possibly in the future, Iran. The idea that some day the European Union could rise to our level of power is unthinkable. Many would argue that great empires have fallen in the past, such as Rome. The reason I think this balance of power will not happen is because the United States has state-of-the-art technology and inteligence all around the world. They could pinpoint one location in the world at any time and find out what kind of activity is occuring at that moment. They will not let another nation, or group of nations be superior to them, or even become their equal.

-John Nathan Colicchio

Anonymous said...

I don't think that the European Union could ever grow strong enough to establish a balance of power with the United States. The EU is comprised of vastly different countries. They share some similarities but they don't have the strength of a bond like the United States do. For the EU to grow to challenge the U.S. in the international system, the counties that make up the EU would have to sacrifice a lot of there sovereignty as individual nations, and unless a larger threat then the United States looms over them, I don't see the EU ever doing that to simply balance the U.S.

-Brendon Butler

Ian said...

The European Union is already a fairly strong entity in todays world. It will become a balance to the United States in time but as of right now the US still seems to hold a few advantages. The combined economic strength between the member nations of the EU has helped to propel its currency (the Euro) to be worth more than the US Dollar. Economically is the only way, I believe, that the EU could balance the United States on a world stage. I think that the difference in military views between the many nations of the EU will let it pose a threat to a singular country's army such as the United States' army. Even if they were to become a 'balance' power wise to the United States, liberal IR theory would help to dictate that the two will tend to fall on the same side of conflicts due to a similarity of ideals the countries share.

-Ian Dixon

Anonymous said...

Now the question is CAN the Eu surpass the US? The simple answer is yes. The much harder question is whether or not the EU WILL surpass the US. Which also has the likley answer of yes. Currently the US is in a downward spiral that doesnt have an end in sight. So unfortunatley it would appear that the Eu will surpass the US, at least at some point in the future. Canada just surpassed the US dollar, to say that the dollar cannot be overtaken is ignorant. At this point it is up for game as to who will overtake the dollar next. The Eu overtaking the dollar is not only a possibility, it's a probobility. In the end it is almost impossible to estimate economic theories so it is hard to answer this question. The US could have a strong rebound as early as tommorow, leading to a resurgance for the dollar that the EU could never compete with. But by current trends and theories, it would seem quite possible the EU could overtake the dollar.

- Christopher Fromme