Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Ahmadinejad at Columbia University

Here's the link to an article about Iran's President Ahmadinejad speech he delivered at Columbia University on Monday, September 24th.


Do you think Ahmadinejad should have been denied the opportunity to address students at a prestigious American institution? Do you think it was a good idea to have him here? What do you think about the content of his speech?

Monday, September 24, 2007

Realism and US Foreign Policy

To what extent does the Realist approach drive American foreign policy in the world today? Would it be fair to say that the Bush administration is solely geared by self-interested goals of security? What do you think?

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Someone suggested that we add a topic about China and its position in the world today as a rising power. Blog away!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Someone from class suggested that we add a topic on globalization and the movement towards (or away from) homogenization. Blog away...

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The war in Iraq

Don't hesitate to post articles and links that you come across regarding the war in Iraq. Make sure to summarize and discuss the article/link that you find. You should also debate other students' ideas and comments.

Commemorating 9/11

Should we keep on commemorating 9/11?

Security Dilemmas

The security dilemma is a recurrent topic in IR. The readings and class lectures , as well as current events, will hint to many instances where security dilemmas occur. Post your thoughts on when you think they do!

Eurocentrism and its Critics

An interesting dicussion has been taking place about Marks' opinion not to adopt a Eurocentric view of history and IR. What are your thought on the matter?

New Blog Instructions


After shuffling through some ideas about the blog, Nick and I decided to change a few things that will make it easier for you to keep track of topics and comments.

As of this week, we will keep track of the ideas and comments you make and will be posting new topics that reflect these ideas and comments. This will make it easier for others to see what the discussion is about and to respond much quicker.

For example, some people are currently debating the Eurocentrism idea of Marks' book. To make it easier for you to follow up on it and to reduce the confusion and the long scrolling down, we will create a post that is dedicated to this topic. This way, you can directly click on it and voice your opinion there. We will be doing this for all the topics that will be raised throughout the semester.

Also, if you have a topic that you would like us to post, e-mail us about it and we will instantly create the topic for you. You will then be able to comment on it and other people will do as well.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us or see us after class on Friday!
